Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Who is the Green Ox?

Reporting to you from the Cyber Pasture, here is the GREEN OX!

"Hello Greenies! Today I decided to take my keen observations of green design to the masses. I am a grumpy, hardworking Ox who has decided to devote my life to sustainable design. Why?, you ask...I am grumpy because I am allergic to "throw away" furniture...whether the design is sleek (ikea) , it's still a temporary piece that will be chipped, banged, and tossed to the curb.

There is another type of furniture I am allergic to: Mass-produced and design-blind furniture. This type of furniture abounds in places that say, "Come in and by this room full of furniture and we will give you a flat screen tv." Most of this mass-produced furniture comes from a planet I call Hiena. Now, there is nothing wrong with Hiena as a planet, and if there were, I don't give a rat's patootie!

My only concern is furniture, not just furniture, GREEN FURNITURE, and not just green furniture, HIGH DESIGN (beautiful) GREEN (sustainable) FURNITURE (art objects). Well, now that you know me, check out some furniture I love! www.claytonoxford.com "

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